Virginia Business and Best Companies Group have honored Concept Plus LLC as one of the 2019 Best Places to Work in Virginia
Virginia Business and Best Companies Group have honored Concept Plus LLC as one of the 2019 Best Places to Work in Virginia. This statewide survey and awards program is designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Virginia, benefiting the state's economy, workforce and businesses. The 2019 Best Places to Work in Virginia list is made up of [...]
Concept Plus, LLC a Leading IT Company Acquires DAI Solutions
FAIRFAX, VA. (PRWEB) JANUARY 14, 2019 On January 1, 2019, Concept Plus, LLC, a fast-growing provider of government health and information technology services headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, acquired Dougherty & Associates, Inc. (DAI Solutions), a management consulting firm headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. DAI Solutions is a recognized expert in organizational development, change management, communications, and learning with a track record of managing complex [...]
Concept Plus Selected for Fourth Consecutive Year as a Fantastic 50 Recipient
FAIRFAX, Virginia (April 30, 2018) – Concept Plus, LLC is honored to be a recipient of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s Fantastic 50 Award for 2018. The award recognizes Virginia’s 50 fastest-growing companies and this is the fourth consecutive year that Concept Plus has been honored by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. Concept Plus was ranked 21st out of 50 top companies [...]
Concept Plus awarded GSA STARS II GWAC
Concept Plus, LLC was awarded the General Services Administration (GSA) 8(a) STARS II Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC). The 8(a) STARS II GWAC is designed to promote small business utilization when purchasing information technology (IT) services or IT services-based solutions for the federal government. Concept Plus received awards in Constellation I and Constellation II across NAICS functional areas 541511, 541512, and 541519. [...]
Governor McAuliffe Announces 31 New Jobs in Fairfax County – Concept Plus, LLC to expand IT operation
RICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe today announced that Concept Plus, LLC, an IT service provider specializing in end-to-end design, development, and operational support of database, middleware, and business applications,will invest $140,000 to expand its IT operation to create a shared lab for application developers in Fairfax County. Virginia successfully competed against Colorado, Maryland, Wisconsin, and Washington, D.C. for the project, which will [...]
Concept Plus, LLC included on the 2017 Fantastic 50 list for three consecutive years ranking in the top 10 in Virginia
FAIRFAX, Virginia – April 27, 2017 Concept Plus, LLC is pleased to announce that it has been selected as one of the recipients of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s Fantastic 50 Award for 2017. The program recognizes Virginia’s 50 fastest-growing companies. This is the third consecutive year that Concept Plus has been honored by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce and this year was [...]